Chapel Hill Resort

Resort style living

Project brief

This was really a story, I arrived and met Sue. She originally phoned for me to discuss some privacy screening against the pool as the neighbour kept staring
at her swimming. After a bit more of a chat, Sue mentioned she was really wanting to revamp the pool area also. I mentioned the design service we offer
with 3d and together we created a resort style backyard. This concept blew here away as she did not know this was even possible. A few weeks later, construction began!


  • As this project backed onto a reserve, we opted with a more tropical feel adjacent the pool and blended into a more native theme toward the read of the waterfall. Additionally, we worked around some existing plants to leave a more established look.

Structural Features

  • Custom boundary screening with Corten panel infills, Fly over pool decking with reinstated basalt boulder waterfall that recirculated back into the pool. Curved and interesting decking throughout.

Key Details

  • Custom decking landings.
  • Curved raised bed tiled in Eco Outdoor Stone Clad Tile.
  • Seamless waterfall transition that flows under the decking.

Timber around a pool

Timber around a pool is it a NO NO? Certainly not. You do need to ensure it is designed correctly. There are special products to use to ensure longevity, Personally I love how the timber just floats over the edge and covers the ugly old brick coping...oh didn’t even know they were there did you! That’s right, sometimes hiding old elements is a better way than replacing them. Better way to spend your $.


We love to recycle, reuse elements on the project, sometimes you can’t however, being more sustainable is great as its a fresh lease on life for some of these materials. Take these basalt boulders, we just cleaned them up, reset them and tidy the area up, this saved some much $ and the end result..Stunning!
Concept Design | Rescape Design

Aged landscaping

The great part about landscaping is that it is a long term investment. The more time goes on, the better it really should look. Sure it may need some maintenance, but it is all worth it when you come home to something this amazing.

"Let’s bring a resort to our home"

We would love to hear about your dream landscaping designs.

Book an initial discussion with one of our experienced landscape designers. Meet with one of our expert consultants to start deciding how to bring your dreams to life. Get a true feel for your design through the use of innovative 3D visualisation. Be kept up to date at every stage of planning and development and relax in the knowledge that all aspects of project management are taken care of from beginning to end. Relax and enjoy your wonderful new outdoor space and live the lifestyle you ave always dreamt of!

Call us on - 07 3067 3337